# **LCD Orientation** One advantage of the KOI is that camera is able to rotate from 0°~180°, however the image may be reversed on the LCD when the camera is rotated, thus we may need to change the LED orientation based on our use case. ## Changing LCD Orientation ![](../../functional_module/PWmodules/images/mcbanner.png) ### Load KOI Extension: https://github.com/KittenBot/pxt-koi ### [Loading Extensions](../../Makecode/powerBrickMC) Block for Changing LCD Orientation: ![](KOI03/01.png) From the drop down menu, there are 3 types of orientation to choose from. ![](KOI03/02.png) ![](KOI03/08.png) ### Sample Program: ![](KOI03/03.png) ## Program Flow Download the program to Micro:bit. 1: When button A is pressed, the LCD is set to Front mode. The image looks correct when the camera is facing towards you. 2: When button B is pressed, the LCD is set to Back mode. The image looks correct when the camera is facing away from you. ## Sample Code [LCD Orientation (Extension0.5.7)](https://makecode.microbit.org/_HEfgPi4YxbTa) ## Extension Version and Updates There may be updates to extensions periodically, please refer to the following link to update/downgrade your extension. [Makecode Extension Update](../../Makecode/makecode_extensionUpdate) ## FAQ ### 1: There is no reaction after pressing the buttons on the Micro:bit. · A: This is because KOI has a longer boot time than Micro:bit. When the power is turned on, Micro:bit has already ran the code for KOI initialization before KOI is ready. · Solution: Reset your Micro:bit after KOI has been turned on. (The trick is to let KOI power on completely before initialization.) ### 2: Does KOI work with 3V input? · A: No, KOI only works with 5V.